Meet PageNudge

A Better Way to Deliver Coaching and Consulting Services

Start A Conversation with PageNudge

The best way to use video chat on your website is to engage with potential students by providing them with an opportunity to ask questions. You can provide answers to FAQs or you can answer specific questions about the course content in your Nudge.

You could also affirm why they should sign up for your course and make any needed offers like discounts, free trial periods, etc.

Scale Your Course Sales

Use PageNudge to upsell your students or customers to other courses or packages that you offer on your site.

Once they have completed a course, you can use PageNudge to recommend another course or package that is in the same latter or progression that your customer desires. Simply explain the next course you’d recommend and easily link to it for the customer to checkout and continue learning.

We’ve found that not only does this increase the perceived value of your site, but it also improves conversions by offering multiple ways for customers to receive value from you.

Provide 1-1 Personal Support

Use PageNudge to communicate with your clients in a personalized way. Using video helps your customers feel more engaged, invested, and confident to interact. This is crucial for you to provide as a coach.

With PageNudge you can create, manage, and publish video content for your clients in a convenient way. Find solutions quicker using “Reply with Video” and document the video chain so that you can reference it in the future.

Your customers will value the personal touch! When they feel like you’re providing one-on-one support they know that your business is built on a solid foundation of customer relationships. Plus, this will make them more likely to purchase from you again and refer friends and family members.

Properly Onboard Clients For Success

An important step in onboarding clients is personalizing the process with PageNudge. Use our conditional logic and video sequencing to record multiple video messages that can be played back to any client or student.

Video onboarding lets your clients and students get to know you better and decreases any possible blockers at the start of the process. There are several ways to use PageNudge video on your onboarding pages, but one of the most effective involves creating a simple welcome message that your users can watch to learn a bit about yourself and your services.

This method works well when you’re dealing with a customer who needs information or wants to ask questions about your product or service, allowing them time to watch the video and formulate their questions before contacting you. PageNudge is a great way to get started with video marketing and customer success, so try it today.